
Ingenieurgesellschaft für Energie- und Umweltengineering & Beratung mbH

Ensuring the dual maxims of ecology and economy

Our main concern is to backup and secure a maximum of ecology and economy.

That means, to reach highest efficiency with existing resources under observance of the ecological requirements.

Our strength is the exploitation of the actual knowledge within the market in order to always be able to offer our customers the optimised solution.

The good results from numerous projects validate us in our concept

Currently ete.a is involved in numerous projects.
The elaboration of the concept studies for optimisation or specific planning services for the implementation of modernisation measures for the flue gas treatment plants are only few of the ongoing activities of ete.a.

Find out more:

Ongoing projects


ete.a news

Ongoing projects
29.05.2024Ongoing projects

An overview

Order from the german Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) - REFOPLAN
22.07.2024Order from the german Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) - REFOPLAN

ete.a Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH has been awarded the contract for the project “Innovative technologies: improving resource and energy efficiency in thermal waste treatment” by the Federal Environment Agency as part of the Federal Environment Ministry’s departmental research plan (REFOPLAN).

Modification ZAS MHKW Darmstadt
29.05.2024Modification ZAS MHKW Darmstadt

Der Zweckverband Abfallverwertung Südhessen (ZAS) hat die Aufgabe, die nach Vermeidung und Verwertung verbleibenden Restabfälle aus Hausmüll, Sperrmüll und hausmüllähnlichen Gewerbeabfällen für die Gebietskörperschaften Stadt Darmstadt, Landkreis Darmstadt-Dieburg, Odenwaldkreis sowie seinen Kooperationspartnern zu entsorgen.


ete-a · Ingenieurgesellschaft für Energie- und Umweltengineering & Beratung mbH
Hofgut Kolnhausen 12 · 35423 Lich · Hessen, Deutschland · fon: +49 (0)6404.658164 · fax: +49 (0)6404.658165 ·

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