Volker Dütge

project management electronical enginerring

Volker DütgeVolker Dütge


Studies of energy and heating technologies University of Applied Sciences Gießen/Germany

Field of activity

  • assessment and improvement of flue gas purification processes
  • handling of chemical issues in the field of flue gas purification
  • Creation of technical studies and expertise
  • process improvements in the field of waste to energy, planning, consultance and execution in the field of energy management and flue gas purification technology


Phone: +49 (0)6404-658164
Email:  info@ete-a.de


ete-a · Ingenieurgesellschaft für Energie- und Umweltengineering & Beratung mbH
Hofgut Kolnhausen 12 · 35423 Lich · Hessen, Deutschland · fon: +49 (0)6404.658164 · fax: +49 (0)6404.658165
info@ete-a.de · www.ete-a.de

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